Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I lv U ÐξåR ♀

1. When i 'Saw' U ..i waS scared to 'Know' U..
When i 'Knew' U ..i waS scared to 'Like' U..
When i 'Liked' U.. i waS scared to 'Love' U..
Now that i 'Love' U.. i'm scared of 'Losing' U.. <3

2. ::Do you wanna i miSs U.? Try catching the raindropS...~the oneS u catch are how much.u.misS me... and the oneS u i miSs u::

3. a smoker.haS a smokey heart <3..
a drinker.haS an alcoholic heart <3..
..but dear.need to stop eating sweets..~
cuz ure'already a sweetheart<3..

4. ::everyone.sayS u only fall in love.once--but thatS not true., everytime i hear your voice i fall in love again.and.again..::

5. If one day u aSk me.which iS more important.., 'me or your life'..I will say 'my life'..and u will walk away w/out knowing that U are 'my life...'

6. If i took the letterS 'HRT'..I could put 'EA' ,and get 'HEART' ..or 'U' and get 'HURT'..but i'd rather have 'U' and get 'HURT'..then have a 'HEART' w/out 'U'...

3/3/09 > 2 years anniversary